A Simple Trick To Boost Your Productivity

I know I’m not the guy to be preaching about productivity, laugh out loud, but I have been working online from home for awhile now so I know a few tricks that have helped me improve my productivity significantly.

One of the best tricks (and the most simple) to improving how much I produce in a day is this:

When you wake up in the morning (or afternoon if you’re like me), immediately sign on your computer and start working on one profitable activity for 30 minutes.

Don’t take a shower, eat breakfast, watch tv, or anything else until you get that 30 minutes of solid work done.

I know this sounds elementary, but it really does work. It gets your brain thinking about that activity throughout the day which helps keep you focused instead of jumping around.

Now… when I say profitable, I mean something other than reading emails, posting on forums, checking affiliate stats, etc. Instead,Β  build a website, do some niche research, continue working on a product, add something to your auto-responder sequence, etc.

All I know is this:

When I start the day off with video games, my day is spent playing video games.

When I start the day checking emails, my day is spent checking emails.

When I start off working on a product, my day is spent working on my product.

It’s a simple tweak, but it really works. And it takes a lot of practice getting used to.

I’m not perfect at it either… still to this day I screw up and accidentally spend a few days here and there playing video games, but at least I’m making progress!

Try it for yourself for a couple days, take notice of what happens, and I can guarantee you that you will like the results!

Talk soon,

Dan Brock

70 Responses to “A Simple Trick To Boost Your Productivity”
  1. Dennis says:

    thanks Dan I try and do this because i am one who if I get sidetracked will be doing that sidetrack all day. I will use this information.

  2. Alex T says:

    Yeah it’s a good advice, i do that on the weekends, i still have a day job but it’s true, if on a Saturday mourning i open my email or go to G analytics that’s what i do all day and do a little research but then i go back to emails.

    So that’s really good advice thanks

  3. Dave says:

    Thats some good advice….I often start my day wrong πŸ™‚
    luckily I can pull myself around but starting off on a positive productive day can make all the difference


  4. Steph says:

    I definitely need to try this – if only I can get up before the kids to get some work in, I’m sure I’d be much more productive!

  5. Ron says:

    Dan, That’s I pretty good tip. I typically get up at about 6am everyday…way before my wife and kids and get a lot done as well.

    Another good tip is to stay focused at the task at hand…that means no checking voice-mail or email until you’re done.

    Early bird gets the worm.

  6. Jillian P says:

    That’s interesting, goes against the way I like to ease into the day, but it’s worth a try!
    Thanks for the tip πŸ™‚

  7. Simon says:

    Hell, yes, seems like you hit the nail right on the head!

    I plead guilty doing all this things, and more – loosing valuable time when I should be concentrated on something more productive.
    Sure, what you say is just plain logic. Thing is, we just get involved in more or less useless tasks, and sort of forget the main issue.
    Thanks for the reminder, IΒ΄ll try to start implementing your advice from now on. (But I reserve the right to have a cup of black coffee while doing it).

    Thank for the eye-opener

    All the best

  8. art says:

    Good advice. The best advice is short, simple, concise, and easily doable. You hit all the bases.

  9. Oscar B says:

    But dude, I’m a deadbeat…I’ll get to it later.

  10. reed says:

    will give it a go . thxs for the knock on the brainiac

  11. alam says:


    simple but useful for me. Now I can finish an post that stand on my ‘draft’ folder.

    good advice

  12. Lor says:

    One of the oldest advice in the book. It just works.

  13. Dan,

    Great common sense advice, thanks!

    It’s easier to focus on the task at hand first thing in the morning when you’re fresh and your mind is uncluttered. Not only that, but doing work early in the morning may allow you more time to spend with your family in the evening. After all, isn’t that one of the reasons we all want to succeed at Internet Marketing… more freedom, more time with our family?

    Take care,

    Fred S.

  14. John says:

    Very good advice. I try it!

  15. Brian E-P says:

    Y’know – that is such good sense.
    Typically, I start off checking my in box and by the time that’s done with all the replies and links the day’s half done – and then it’s time for lunch !
    ok – from now I’ll do what I need to do first and come to the other stuff later.

  16. Paul says:

    Can You have a coffee first?

  17. Shane says:

    Good advice Dan. The earlier you start something productive, the greater the chance you have of completing it instead of wasting time at other stuff during the day.

  18. Zach says:

    I always do this. My problem is that I do too much of it and end up skipping lunch, ignoring emails, phone calls etc. I get obsessed over building my online business. Its a great strategy, but I need to find more balance…

  19. Danny Cutts says:

    That works a treat… the thing about check stats is that you constantly on the refresh button and that just wastes days away… now I only check them before I go to bed… always a nice surprise


  20. John says:

    Hi Dan,
    Nice tip Dan, and planning what those 30 minutes will be on the night before will help you stick to the routine!


  21. Great post Dan, you are absolutely right. I seem to follow the same routine you do…If I start the day off playing my fav game thats usually all I end up doing all day.

  22. Marika P says:

    Dan, actually I’m exactly doing this what you’re suggesting. I’m still sitting in my pj’s 2 hours later…but I’ll always have a coffee first to drink along.

    It really helps because the mind is fresh, and ready to go.


  23. There was an actual national study done that proves exactly what you say in this email really works. I personally start with prayer and thanks for Gods provisions. BUT then go to the emails, which now is going to change. Production is my goal. Thanks for the suggestion. I also read that it’s easy to become info addicted. I’m working on that also, driving my brain, not letting it drive me.

  24. Shirley says:

    Yes – a couple of unproductive hours can soon dwindle away. You open an email, it leads to a link and then your off in another direction. Before you know it your totally off track.

  25. Martin says:

    Great tip Dan, as always. This is one of the most distracting, distractable small/business you can be it. There is so much to take your mind and activity away from your key tasks. get started, get started early, leave your email, stats, WF…everything else to later.

  26. Syed Akram says:

    I’m not really sure about this. For me I’m taking shower, have a cup of coffee and than go to work much better.

  27. Julius says:

    Hey Dan,

    I agree to that. I do the same everyday when I wake up but I need a coffee first and then head on to my netbook and start doing what I need to do specially articles. In the morning usually the mind is fresh and a lot of ideas are start to build up.
    At the end of the day when I accomplish 2-3 important task I congratulates myself for having a good job in that day..you need to appreciate yourself in everyday doing.
    Then after that I start to think what I need to do the next day. With this routine you’ll suddenly notice your progress and forget about procrastinating.

  28. Good tip Dan. Thanks for helping to keep us motivated and on track.

  29. Chuck S says:

    Great advice Dan. Thanks for bringing it to light. I had realized this myself for some time but it was difficult for me to do. What finally helped me to stay more focused and take action, was a product I bought targeting tangible products. I am trying to learn a new system targeting the Christmas buying frenzy so I have a deadline. It got me out of the habit of checking email and stats first. Which is great because most of the time it costs me, usually I bought some product that I didn’t finish before something else came along or I looked at my stats and got depressed.

    I’m still suffering from information overload or another term that I heard the other day called it “Infobesity.” The remedy is to stop gorging ourselves the wide range of information and to take the time to throughly digest, understand and master it before moving on. I’m not cured but I do feel better.

    I haven’t mastered this system yet but I wanted to get started on your Deadbeat Super Affiliate method I picked up. I feel like it will go along with what I have learned with this other system. Anyway, your suggestion is great and it does help with productivity. Thanks again Dan.

  30. Manuel says:

    Nice advice. Thanks for sharing.

  31. eddy says:

    Wow, this works like a charm not only do you get something productive done, but i find myself actually knocking out even more work cause i’m so “thrilled” to be getting something done. But, I admit it’s hard not to check mail and the other stuff first. But that’s the difference between those that rise above and those that just CHILLAX!!!!!

  32. Great advice which will help get more done. Also helpful is to write down 5 things on a 3 x 5 card you want to get done for the day. Carry it around with you to remind you of what you must get done for the day.

  33. Cindi says:

    Sounds like a plan, Dan!

    I’m going to give that a try first thing tomorrow morning (along with a hot cup of coffee of course).

  34. Wanda says:

    Dan, you are right. I noticed the same thing. Got to stay off the stuff that waists your time..well, at least until you get some solid work accomplished. Good advice. Thanks.

  35. Kristen says:

    Great advice. So easy to lose focus and go off on a tangent. The internet – an information junky’s drug.

  36. Adrienne says:

    Brilliant. Thank you for this advice. I can certainly relate to checking the e-mails and getting stuck with that.

  37. DSLR Reviews says:

    Thanks for the inspirational post.
    You’re so full of good advise.

    I use this method except first I have to grab a coffee.
    There is no exception to that rule.

  38. Cheryl says:

    Great advice Dan, and so true. I can easily blow a couple hours or more checking email poking around face book; etc.

    I’ll definitely give it a try.


  39. Irene says:

    I always open my emails first and I know, that this ist not the right way. But I still do it!

    Thank you for this reminder – I’ll give it a try and hope it workes.

  40. Hi, Dan
    Thanks for E mail me its good suggestion you have given me.
    plz send the future details.

  41. Dr. Phil h says:

    Makes good sense. So simple yet I did not consider it until you wrote about it. Thanks, Dan. I will use this tweak.

  42. Venetia says:

    Great Stuff! Since I started doing this, I accomplish a lot more. The inbox tend to keep one away from working…

  43. Pete Moring says:

    Hey Dan, so simple yet probably true – I’ll have to give it a go.
    I do sign on to the PC as soon as I get up and while it’s churning through all those start-ups I do the ‘usual’ things πŸ™‚
    But when I get on, I do the overnight checking list rather than get on with something productive, and you’re right, once you’re ready for ‘real’ work your mind’s a jumble – and then the phone rings, or someone’s at the door πŸ™

    Great tip Dan .. (loving the course by the way) … Pete.

  44. Tony says:

    But Dan, when I saw an email from you I couldn’t help but open it.

    Well, yes it is first thing in what passes for my morning and, after deleting all the spam around it, it was the first email I opened.

    I’ll just open a few more while I’m here. Then I’ll carry on with my project.

    Oh, what’s that? must have a look at that offer.

    That’s an interesting post on Joe’s blog.

    Yes dear, just coming, as soon as I’ve killed this alien.

    Now, where was I? Oh yes answering that email. Then I’ll get on with my project if I can only just find that bit of information I needed for it.

    It’s WHAT time???

    Oh well, perhaps I’ll start the project first thing in the morning. Again.

    Goodnight all.

    Thanks Dan


  45. Hd 280 pro says:

    Very true… I’m going to close my mail program cause I just got distracted by your e-mail πŸ˜‰

  46. Pretty simple advice but it works. Good tip!


  47. chet says:

    Thanks for that, Dan. Now that you mention it, it seems to hold true for me, too. For a little while I was following the “Sandwich Strategy,” which also works well: do something productive first, reward with other stuff, then do another round of stuff, and so on. End of day? More accomplished, and feeling (weirdly) balanced! But I’m going to start off today with my sales letter thing…soon as I get off here. You better not have any juicy stuff to distract me when I scroll up!

  48. Marc says:

    That is so true. I try to ride the morning productivity wave for as long as I can.

  49. Janet says:

    That is a big help. I wake up so early sometimes. In my line of full-time work I wait around most mornings because I am self employed. I usually start by thinking of my next goals which is okay…but ideas can carry you away and distract you from your real purpose which for me to eventually have multiple streams of bigger online income & so I do not have to work so hard on my full-time job. Not necessarily be rich…which would be nice…but just to make life easier. Your idea is great way to stay focused on task at hand.

  50. Samara says:

    Thanx for the post, Dan. It’s a great tip and I’m going to stick to it!

  51. Fred says:

    This is good to read because I’m still a struggling newb who someday wishes to quit my day job, so I only have the weekends to work on my IM stuff… however, I am already doing the same thing (most of the time!), start off the day wracking my brain how to get my sites UP the google ladder… and what to do when one drops from #1 (using a two word keyword phrase, took me quite awhile and I was quite elated to see it at #1), to right off the board (not even in first 100. Now THAT is frustrating).

  52. Andy says:

    For sure, starting the day doing something productive is the best way to go and reward yourself (an hour) later.

  53. I had not even thought of this before, but i’m exactly the same if i start out the day doing something like playing games then the whole day gets wasted playing games.

    I will be adopting this new strategy tomorrow morning when i get up.


  54. Mike says:

    Thanks for the tip Dan, but it sure is easy to get distracted.

  55. Ride on Toys says:

    Good tip Dan. I think another good idea is to make a list of what you want to accomplish and stick to it. I know this idea is as old as the hills as well, but it’s not to be knocked. If you just sit down at your computer with no plan then it is very easy to just waste time checking emails, stats, etc without focusing on what really needs doing.

    If you can break the list down into chunks of work that will only take say 15-20 minutes max to complete too then it seems less daunting and you feel like you are getting somewhere as you can cross them off.

    Helps to keep me motivated anyway, hope that helps.

  56. Cris Cato says:

    Hi Dan,

    Very good advice. I know for a fact that the first thing I do when I log on my computer is check my email and facebook! Will take your advice and let’s see what happens.


    Cris Cato

  57. Deb says:

    You’re absolutely dead on with this tip. I find that when I do this, I’m so much more focused. Now if only I can learn to keep the Facebook page closed. πŸ˜‰

  58. Ric says:

    A big time sucking activity is checking email. It’s easy to waste an entire morning just reading truckloads of email messages and getting lost in that diversion. I found if I create a task list of what I want to do when I first turn on my computer, I end up getting more accomplished.

  59. Matt says:

    this is so true. It can be hard getting moving sometimes. And there really is no better way to get the day moving than by doing something really productive.

  60. Deane Felter says:

    Dan- You hit the nail on the head as usual, as in any business, you have to work at it and good work habits are essential- thanks for the reminder.

  61. I do something similar since I have a full-time job. I make it a point to be sure my first hours online is doing something productive.

    I find if I check my emails or visit forums first that is a sign of an unproductive day for me.


  62. AmiciziaVic says:

    Ho Ho Ho! Doing the easy stuff first is always less stressful. Hot cup of coffee,Then read e-mail jokes! (good laugh always makes me feel good). Then YouTube, that way I don’t have to read anything!
    Now come the hard part READING all the BULL-_HIT e-mails about the most greatest software ever, guaranteed to make you the most money, Ever! in only weeks or less. Only $29.95…..
    if you order today…. only in the next hour….only 3 left!
    Don’t miss out , this offer may be gone before you finish rearing , (sorry I meant reading this offer).
    Ok now I’m laughing so hard that I need to take a nap.
    I guess that what I’m trying say is read your email last if you want to be productive.
    Leave a note on your desk , so that you can pick up where you left off the day before.
    Foggy in the %) morning


  63. Murlu says:

    I try to do this whenever possible Dan because you can mull about before going to work and end up doing nothing but once you just plop your ass down and get to work, it all becomes easier after that point.

    For example: After working throughout the day, the last thing I want to do when I get home is to spend the next few hours working on my online projects. If I end up watching a movie than I generally get nothing done but if I immediately go into my “dailies” than it always ends up leading to getting a LOT done.

  64. Totally agree with you. Have been doing this for the past 3 months and it works.

    It needs getting used to initially though…:)

  65. Stephen W says:

    Hi Dan,
    Good advice. I’m trying the same thing at the other end of the day ….. when I get home from my J.O.B. and I want to make progress in my on-line business objectives. Yep, those damn emails cut into your time ….. but it is not ALL bad. I’ve got some great education from following on from a few of my emails, particularly in the last 3 months, that is going to take me to the next level. (Including some product called DBSA)

  66. The Sue says:

    So that means that I will spend the rest of my today reading messages from you!
    HA HA
    Organization and mind set make the biggest difference, and people don’t realize it.
    it is why Math and reading are usually the first two subjects of the day in elementary schools.

  67. Good advise. I guess you could also say, 1st thing to do in the morning is stay focused, cause all that other stuff like checking e-mails or playing video games throws you off focus and fast.

  68. Tony says:

    Hmmm, I think I will have to give this a go Dan as you are correct about the easy distractions and how you can easily go off on a tangent.

    Now what was it I was doing before I clicked your link… πŸ˜‰

  69. Max says:

    Hey Dan!

    It’s actually the same thing with me as well… If I start my day playing games all day is gone… But if I start my day working on something serious, then I usually do that until 3-4 am.

    Thanks for post.


  70. Fred says:

    Great advice Dan.

    I’ve found that I’m the most productive if I sit down and get started right after I get home from work. On those days where I tell myself I’ll do it a little bit later, I sometimes lose my motivation and wind up putting it off until the next day.

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