Anybody Want Some Steak? (A New Niche Every Day)

I swear, it seems like every day I stumble upon a new niche on Amazon that I never knew about it before. This one is crazy.

Guess what the niche is? I’ll give you a hint. It’s in the food niche…


Online freakin’ steaks. Who would have thought???

I found this little gem on Amazon today:

(no affiliate link)

At a price of $250, you’re looking at about $15-$20 per sale. Good money in such a random niche.

Apparently what they do is when you order it through Amazon, they freeze it up, pack it with dry ice and overnight it to you. I honestly never thought that a niche like this would be viable over the internet.

There’s even people actively searching for this product!

Curiosity got to me, so I had to run some keywords through Google to see if people are actively searching for this kind of product.

Sure enough:

  • buy steaks – 6,600 searches per month
  • buy steak online – 1,000 searches per month
  • buy steaks online – 2,900 searches per month
  • buy steak – 9,000 searches per month
  • steak online 8,1000 searches per month
  • steaks delivered – 1,300 searches per month
  • order steaks – 5,4000 searches per month
  • steak shop – 14,000 searches per month
  • premium steaks – 1,900 searches per month
  • online steaks – 12,000 searches per month
  • buy beef – 33,000 searches per month
  • gourmet steak – 14,000 searches per month

And the list goes on. I only did a primary scan of keywords, so there is most likely a good number of additional keywords out there.

Look at the above search volume. Do you realize that if you were to make a site that specializes in online steak, you could easily have a 4, if not 5 figure per month website?

Let’s say overall there’s about 100,000 searches per month for online steak. If at position number 1 for all of these terms, you’ll get roughly 30,000 visitors per month.

Out of those 30,000 visitors every month, you can convert a meer 1% of them. Let’s also pretend the average sale is at $125. At 6.5% commission, you’d make about $2,500/m from steaks.

Now imagine if you had a conversion rate of 4%(which isn’t much of a stretch because of how targeted the above keywords are). That would be $10,000 PER MONTH off online steaks! And that’s as a lowly affiliate! Imagine what the product creators are making.

Yes people! Online freakin’ steaks!

Personally, I would be bored to death if I made a site about steaks – but if that happens to be your passion, go for it!

What I’m trying to point out here is that the possibilities online are endless. I’ve spent a crazy amount of time browsing through the Amazon store front and today I find this brand new niche I never saw before.

Search, and ye shall find!

Over and out,

Dan Brock

13 Responses to “Anybody Want Some Steak? (A New Niche Every Day)”
  1. James says:

    This is awesome, I was watching a webinar about the same sort of thing…Instead of steak it was chicken coops and hens(almost free eggs) and chicks(poultry)!!!
    A “no brainer” BRAINSTORM

    Love It

  2. Kelly says:

    Great find. Makes me wonder about other food and beverage items. So how would you go about deciding what to name your site? My initial assessment would be “steaks online.”

    And do you ever do niche sites with the exact product name as the domain?

  3. admin says:

    Thanks James!

    @Kelly – something with steaks in it for sure. Steaks online would be even better.

    Yes, I try and get exact match whenever possible as long as it doesn’t have a brand name in it.


  4. Phil says:

    They probably sell one a day. Seriously.

  5. Michel says:

    You can also be an affiliate for this website:

    (grassland bison, free shipping 🙂

  6. hi Danniel
    wow what a clever post thanks for sharing it with us I would never of throught of this and you found it on Amazon not ebay
    It goes to show all the different niches available on Amazon which you wont find elsewere
    thanks have agreat sunday
    cheers peter mcgrath

  7. Clare says:

    Seems that everyday Amazon thinks of something more even more bizarre to sell online! I suppose the more obscure the niche the less likely our competition has caught on – which means more steak sales for us 🙂

  8. Richard says:

    Omaha Steaks has been a premier direct mail business for decades. They’ve just moved with the times.

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