Making Money Online is DEAD :(

I know you’ve heard (and maybe even thought this once or twice) that making money online is “dead”, “over saturated”, “too hard now”, etc…

I want to clear the air right now:

Making money online is NOT dead… in fact there is more opportunity now than ever before.

The “sky is falling” mindset I explained above is toxic. I will even admit, I gave into this mindset when I first started making money online.

Let me tell you a story…

Back in 2004, I had a thriving internet business which sold web hosting. In fact, at the time, my business was actually ahead of HostGator because I had about 100 more customers than they did.

However, I belonged to this web hosting forum, and at the time everyone was freaking out because Youtube and Myspace were becoming really popular. Everyone was saying things like “web hosting is going to be dead because who will pay for it when you can get it all done for free by Youtube and MySpace??”

Coupled with the fact that the customer service for a web hosting business is a nightmare, I gave in to the toxic mindset. I lost interest in my business, I stopped working on pushing it forward, and basically left it to run on its’ own (I had people in place to handle tech support and server issues of course).

Fast forward 6 years, I’m reading HostGator’s blog and how Brent was talking about HostGator being on track to be a billion dollar corporation

Boy do I feel like an idiot…

I’m hear to warn you about how dangerous this mindset can be (look how badly it messed with my future), and that as soon as you identify it, you should immediately correct the mindset (you correct it by pushing forward with your business).>

I’m also here to give you a bit of encouragement…

Let me explain to you why making money online will always be viable, and while it might become slightly harder as time goes on, it will always be possible to break into any market you want to.

Here is why.

Let’s say 100 people decide they want to enter into the “Build a Shed” niche.

Of those 100 people, at the most, 10 might actually go through with building a website.

Great! 10 people put up their websites…but that’s the easy part

The hard part is following through with the website over an extend period of time.

So of those 10, maybe 2 will continue to work on it past the 6 month mark.

(by work on it, I mean continuing to build links, create content, build their lists, etc.)

Those 2 people who made it to that 6 month mark will be making good money at this point.

Out of those 2 people, most likely 1 will lose interest after 6 months.

So you’ve got 1 guy/gal pushing their build a shed site for more than a year…

And it’s only a matter of time before that last person loses interest in the shed site.

So what does that mean for you/how does that help you?


As people lose interest in their websites, their rankings drop, their traffic starts to die out, and their lists become cold.

This is when YOU steal the throne. You also have to keep in mind that this is a continuous process that happens across all niches online. People try to get their piece of the pie, they obtain it, but lose interest over time and end up dropping out.

Very few people are able to keep their online businesses going for more than a year…it’s natural. There’s a martial arts saying that goes something like “he who trains the hardest wins the fight”.

This applies here perfectly.

And do you know the easiest way to train the hardest (in website terms)?

Either build a website around a topic you are passionate about so that declining interest isn’t a problem,  find someone who cares about the topic to do it for you (AKA outsourcing), and have systems in place to handle the boring grunt work for you.

Are you ready to take on the challenge?

Tomorrow I’m going to send you to a video to introduce you to a guy who has been making millions online for years building up REAL online businesses from scratch – and he builds these businesses up really quickly in niches he doesn’t even care about. How does he do it? Well besides for knowing how to outsource properly, he also builds up what he calls ‘machines’ to do most of the residual work for him. He’ll show you the ingrediants you need to put together to build these machines right from the get go so that you can have a near perpetual online business that builds on top of itself every month.

A lot of what he is going to teach you is very much in line with the Deadbeat Super Affiliate training, however he is going to show you how to take it to the next level, and to modify a few things to make it so much easier!

Most likely this is stuff you’ve never seen before, so keep an eye out for my email tomorrow so that you don’t miss this video.

I’m also adding a little something special to the whole thing to make it 10x as awesome!

45 Responses to “Making Money Online is DEAD :(”
  1. David says:

    Your tip to start with an area of high interest is great. By the very nature of being in business for yourself in general and in business on the internet in particular, it is far easier to neglect or even abandon your internet business without the blow back of a brick and mortar business. The fact remains that there is no “Easy Button” although with proper training and mentoring there probably is a “Somewhat Easier Button”

  2. Gary & Val says:

    Totally agree with your sentiment about keeping going but with things changing so fast online it is really difficult not to get sidetracked !

    ‘Shiny Thing’ syndrome is probably more to do with people not actually getting to the finish line rather than lack of work ethic in many cases.


  3. Billy Burke says:

    Dan: Thank you for sharing your valuable experiential information with me regarding truths about internet marketing. The only reason I read it was because it appeared to be something more than another freebee sales scam. I have learned the hard way that there are no free deals on the internet. I spend most of my time purging email of empty promises.

    I must admit, however, that the redundancy has educated me to pre qualify every offer before falling in love with internet market “best of the best” money making pundits.

    Thanks, again. I appreciate your candor.

    Billy Burke

  4. Adam says:

    Agree, mindset is right word 🙂 I can say that the most difficult part is to bring traffic. It takes a lot of work and time but I’m sure it will pay back sometime in the near future. Negative thoughts and discouragement comes everyday from people we know in real life, not only in online environment. This is why “positive mindset” is very important in everyday situations. It is easy to be influenced by others and then realized why I didn’t do it. It is good to listen other opinions, but don’t trap yourself into “not good”, “I wouldn’t try if I were you” (you are not) and so on.

  5. Tracy says:

    This is a very true post. Three years ago I started my first site called I didn’t have an idea of how to continue to build and work the site, now I do. So guess what is one of the most popular e books online the “nook”. I let that domain go, about a year a go I tried to get it back, but unfortunately someone else snapped it up.

    Everyone thought I was crazy to do something on e books three years ago, and well now they probably don’t think I am so crazy with readers being one of the most wanted/bought Christmas gifts this year. Anyway, lesson learned. Always stick with your gut on a site even if everyone thinks its crazy the niche might be a real winner if you give it time and as Dan mentioned stay committed to working the site.

  6. Dan,

    Thanks for this post. I’m one of those guys that is attempting hang on – ‘cuz I know I’m gonna make some decent money online eventually. I have made some but very little and not consistently. My problem is looking at all the “shiny” things and taking my eye off the ball.

    I realize that now…mucho dinero later. So now it’s nose to the grindstone and get ‘er done!

    Thanks again,


  7. Jim says:

    Hey Dan,

    I’ve been trying to learn this business for over a year now. I agree with you that you have to want it and stay focused on becoming successful at it with determination and drive. I’ve become very frustrated at times and thought about giving up and that it’s too competitive, or the programs we’ve purchased don’t live up to the hype.

    If your reading this post, I’ve learned more from Dan and his Deadbeat Super Affiliate program than I have from $2,000 courses I’ve taken. I’ve talked to Dan and he has really helped us wrap our heads around how to put internet marketing together.

    Dan also searches out some of the BEST programs that compliments his training. Just want to say a special thanks to Dan the Man for helping us finally put it all together.

  8. domster47 says:

    No kidding once you have that in your mind your done. The hardest thing to do with a business is to keep it going and not fail. If you do all the hard work it will pay off. NEVER GIVE UP

  9. Joan says:

    I love to hear that they are saying it is dead. It just leaves everything wide open for those of us who are dedicated and sticking with it. Keep these everything coming Dan. I am so impressed with everything you do and I am on more email lists and have purchased so many products, but your deadbeat affiliate program and other programs you market have been great. I appreciate your integrity.

  10. JT says:

    Great insight and most postive mind set. Send me more and look foward to tomorrow’s email. JT Can’t wait

  11. Dennis says:

    Dan thanks for these words of encouragement. I am brand new to this less than one month and keep plugging everyday. These words keep me going when i get frustrated.

  12. I totally agree with you here on the subject of a Positive Mindset. It is the one most crucial part that determines success from failure.
    I say you must develop this right from the outset and carry it right through out your working online.
    All successful people have that mindset and work accordingly.Part of being successful is also about doing what you “Feel” counts not what others “Think”.
    So by having a “Positive Mindset” and following it through you create and maintain your future.So many people fall into the trap procrastinating because others views cloud their judgement.
    I say be positive and plan to achieve regardless of opinions as those who plan ahead get ahead.

  13. Chris says:


    I know exactly what you are talking about. I have run in to a few of these “Chicken Littles” with their sky is falling arttitude. They can definitely make you stop what you are doing because they are so convincing…until you realize that maybe they are just trying to scare you off so it is easier for them! Keep up the great work my friend.


  14. Dan,

    Another great post, thanks.

    I recall a comment on the Warrior’s Forum about the popularity of your Deadbeat Super Affiliate product/course and Amazon marketing in general – that if so many people had purchased the course, it would only cause the market to become flooded (or something along those terms).

    It’s a valid concern assuming EVERYONE who purchased the course actually did something with it. Herein lies the key though, as you alluded to above, only a tiny fraction will ever actually implement the tactics, and at that, an even smaller majority will give up after a month or so (if they even last that long).

    So, the moral of the story… persevere, and when you finally succeed, try even harder.

    Take care,


  15. Ann Marie says:

    Hey Dan
    I agree with what you’re saying, I’m very new to this and still struggling, and need to hear this type of encouragement.

  16. Don says:

    Thanks for sharing that Dan.

    I think we’ve all been guilty of believing erroneous information at one time or another. It’s important to keep in mind the ten most powerful two-letter words.

    If it is to be, it is up to me.

  17. Dave says:

    Nice post Dan, internet marketing isn’t dead but I somehow feel that ebook marketing is dead as well. Especially in the make money online industry due to all the crap that there is on ClickBank right now, all this auto mass traffic ‘softwares’ which really use something like PPC to drive traffic, people are getting FED UP, I think that is probably the main reason… Amazon however is honest and you get what you’re looking for 🙂

    Dan, you’re in the internet man

  18. I agree with you dan,making money online isn’t and can never be dead as long as the internet exists.To me,starting a business is not the issue but maintaining it is.Good one there.

  19. reed says:

    well said Dan !. Thanks for perservering with us. AS Phoebe Barns would say in the Amazon jungle .Bash on !!

  20. DSLR Reviews says:

    Right on Dan!
    I had a few “million dollar ideas” in my time.
    Then I share them with someone, and they come up with some reason why they won’t work. After that I loose interest and ditch it.
    It’s always the same that a year or two later I see someone excelling at my idea, but not even doing it as good as I envisioned.
    Now when I have an idea I never tell anyone.

  21. Julie says:

    Thanks Dan – I have been following some of your advice and created a couple “physical product” websites. I think what makes it hard to keep up and stay motivated is all the “rumors” on top of the constant changed in online technology. I just read that Google may start looking at “content farms” (ie. eZine, Demand Studios, HubPages, etc) as spam and change their “mindset” on this! Many people use these sites as passive income (including me) and would be devastated if this happen – who knows how much is rumors and how much is changes in technology – but both can be discouraging! Thanks for this post!

  22. James says:

    Dan, you are definitely in that 1 percent who does not give up after a few months and I want to move from the 10 percent who creates a website to the 1 percent who keeps it going past 12 months.

    I had a great website that I worked on for four months but quit because my 4,000 visitors/month gave me no revenue. What if I kept it going? It could be a success by now. Will never know.

  23. John Reason says:

    It seems to be true what you say. I built a website up on yeast infection and after a year actually quit the paid training program that taught me how to make the site and only then did it start making money. But the growth has tailed off which means I have to do some more work

  24. Delton says:

    Hey Dan thanks for the encouragement. I have been on the journey of learning & earning from internet marketing for over six months and I am determined that I will make a success of it. Thanks for your Deadbeat programme, I wish I had it from the beginning, it is a great programme, and your bonus and follow up emails are priceless. Thanks again, I will continue on the journey.

  25. graham says:

    Hi Dan,

    Making money online is not dead since setting up my site on November 6th I have made the princely sum of $4.53.

    I think my niche is a turkey, over 1000 uniques and one sale, mind you it could be my site’s crap, although it wasn’t looking too bad until yesterday when the host server crashed and wiped out all my changes and tweaks, the best they could do was recover it from eight days ago.
    Of course, I have a backup but have not a clue how to instigate it, by the time I’ve messed around with that I might as well do a rewrite.

    Warning for everyone here: Get you stuff backed up now and do it after every edit.

    Sorry I went off on a tangent there, ok Dan let me tell you I am not a subscriber to the “sky is falling mindset” for one reason:
    If I fail I am totally and utterly ****** and I can only see misery ahead for the rest of my life, so I don’t see failing as an option, that’s why I work at this 16 hours a day seven days a week, but, and this is a big but, I have researched over 100 products and with every single one I looked at I knew I had no chance whatsoever of getting on Google’s first page, the top sites are just too powerful, and I’m 99% certain some sites are using black hat linking tactics, I looked at a PR 0 the other day and it had 138,000 backlinks, what chance for the honest marketer?

    I do feel like giving up sometimes, having put in such a massive effort for less than $10, but I know it’s going to take a long time and I am in for the long haul, I don’t mind working hard but trying to sell Amazon products seems to be just too competitive, especially since you are always competing with the brand.

    Anyway, if nothing else the DSA course has provided me/us with some useful training.

    I could drone on forever about this subject but I don’t want to bore everyone to tears so that’s it for now.

    One last thought Dan, I know your busy but it would be nice if you could take some time and reply to comments left by people on this blog now and then.

  26. Darcy says:

    You’re absolutely right Dan. Making money online is nowhere near dead. It’s not easy and that’s good because people give up! As you said. I bought into the idea that it was dead about 4 years ago and let online marketing rest while I took time off to build a house. I’m kicking myself now because I have to work back up but it is like riding a bike (even with the few changes that have occurred)

  27. J.C.Dean says:

    Thanks for this.

    My biggest struggle was the people around me who thought making money online was never alive to begin with.

  28. ogine says:

    Hi Dan,
    Thanks for this info. I’m newbie in this arena and so confused with all those soft wares I’ve bought. I don’t know which one of them will really work since I can’t focus on it. Some of them is quite complicated to follow, well maybe because of unfamiliarity. Anyway, I just want to ask for your suggestions what soft ware will really work and be of worth to every penny that I’ll be shelling out. Hope you can address my query.

  29. Jane Stevens says:

    Thanks for the great post Dan 🙂 I have been nearly brought to my knees by my so called friends who put fear and doubt into my head. Its as if they dont understand it so it must be a con. They think I am being duped and can only earn money in a job with a boss. I am determined to thumb my nose at them and aim to be earning decent money this time next year 🙂

  30. Ari says:

    Agree with you! will wait your info tomorrow.

  31. I totally agree that mindset is the critically important. Mindset and perseverance.

    As for Graham, I would encourage you to keep at it, and possibly branch out from one niche. You may have a bad one. I know that many of the most successful marketers out there have had many failed sites in bad niches. While I don’t consider myself a “guru” (not in the least), I think it’s true that success online is definitely a numbers game to a large extent.

    George Brown of Google Sniper fame built many sites that bombed before creating one that worked (i.e. got traffic and made sales). It took him that long to perfect his strategy.

    Dan will tell you (I’m sure) that many of his Amazon campaigns (particularly in the beginning) bombed too.

    So yes, luck does figure into it as well. If you are lucky enough to stumble onto an profitable niche right out of the gate, that is. As you get more knowledgeable and experienced, you get “more lucky” because you have a better idea of what works. After a while, you make your own luck!

    The internet is so complex, and Google’s link juice so hard to figure out, that it’s easy to get discouraged when you have a failure. I know, because I’ve had many online. So maybe, Graham, it’s time to mix it up.

    I’m making a big push into offline consulting this year, because with the knowledge I’ve gleaned online in the last few years (beating my head against the wall), I can help others who know absolutely nothing.

    And get PAID for it!

    Maybe think about that, and feel free to ping me if you like.

  32. Love your articles, but didn’t know that you’ve veen in the busines that long.Thanks Michael

  33. I like your post and will be waiting for your video.Thank you Dan for great job that you doing.Ted.

  34. Chris says:

    Hey Dan,

    Loved the post. I totally agree, mindset is the major factor to consider within IM. This is the very same reasons why people also suuffer the “Shiny thing” syndrome, they simply believe that they need one more piece of the puzzle or the next thing is the way…

    When the thruth as you say is hard work and sticking to one thing, and mastering it…


  35. Hi Dan,

    Great motivational tips for keeping on track. There are a lot of folks losing track of the reason that they even started to try and make money online.

    Making money online is a business and should be treated as such, so giving up six months after building a website is not good business practice.


  36. Di says:

    Thanks, Dan, for the timely reminder not to give up and focus. It’s real easy to do when so many different programs, methods and rumors are thrown at you online every day.

    Happy New Year to all!


  37. billkang says:

    Hey Dan, once again you supply us with another gem of a tip.

    I’ve only been marketing for a couple of years now but in that 2 years I don’t know how many times of quit!


    However, I calm down after a while and get my head down and work.

    Sure, its hard work. Boring at times as well. But it’s so much better than working for a BOSS!

    Cheers for the positive words.

    Bill Kang

  38. John McNally says:

    That was a great story Dan, even though it wasn’t a happy outcome for you. I think everything goes in cycles. Sometimes the business world dips at the same time and it’s called a recession, but even then there are people just starting out, and doing really well.

    As you said, you need the right mindset to maintain enthusiasm through difficult times.

    I’m interested to see the new tactics you will reveal tomorrow, and will be back. 8)


  39. Big Tom says:


    It is very easy to get caught up in all the hype and flash thereby getting away from the root or core of our business. That is put up quality sites and nuture them. I full well understand this because it has happened to me. I had a site up over seven years to only get the spot taken over by another site doing the same thing as me. I now say “no more sitting back_

  40. Ric Worthy says:

    Some of us just feel “Dead” primarily because of the boring, repetitive antics of our marketing brethren marching like zombies to the beat of the same drummer.

    Marketing is about science and innovation. Success comes from being both persistent and creative. Thanks for the fine article.

  41. Outstanding advice Dan. I’m guilty myself of giving up on some potential great sites. Boredom sets in from the day to day tasks and it’s off to the next “shiny” thing.

  42. Yes, be careful who you listen too.

    A few years ago I read a report called The Death Of Adsense. It was released soon after Google introduced separate keyword bids for ads appearing on publishers websites.

    After reading the report, I lost interest in my publishing businesses and let my sites dwindle because of lack of maintenance.

    Recently I have have done some tweaking to those old sites and they are performing *better* than ever before. This is because of ever-growing advertising inventory which is getting more and more competitive each year.

    I just wanted to say that *for me*, it was Dangerous to think that Adsense would be no longer be as lucrative as it used to be. I lost a lot of money because I too was listening to rumors and theories.

    Thanks Dan for reminding me not to ever do that again 🙂

  43. Deane Felter says:

    Hey Dan-

    Thanks foir the positive thoughts and outlook. Always good to hear the basics.

  44. Dan,

    You are right telling from your own long experience. Am still new and already lost interest, this blog post just simply awesome and get me and mindset right on track again.

    Lot of Thanks!

  45. Thank you once again Dan for a great blog post. I recently purchased your DSA program and really struggle to get backlinks continually building. I was almost to the point where i was going to give up after reading how hard it was to make money online.

    I have no changed my mindset and will just persist with what I am working on.


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