One Killer Internet Marketing Tip I Learned In Vegas

Hello people! 🙂

I just got back from Affiliate Summit West in Vegas and it was an absolute blast.

Funny thing is, I never even set foot inside of the Affiliate Summit LOL. All us IMers got together and partied all day long – I met a ton of great people, made friends with mostly all the top internet marketers, and learned a few techniques that I’m putting into action as I write this.

(By the way, one thing I noticed about all the successful IMers is that they immediately take action – ‘speed of implimentation’ is what it’s called. A super valuable trait in any business really)

One of the major things I was trying to figure out was what everyone did for lead generation

Lead generation is important for ALL web businesses – whether you have an affiliate site, a mailing list, an e-store, ANYTHING…. Lead generation is key.

If you don’t know what lead generation is, it’s basically the art of locating someone interested in whatever topic it is you are trying to make money from, and getting them to pay attention to you.

Here’s how I am setting up my lead generation funnel

The techiques are called adswapping and solo ads. To be clear up front, Adswapping and solo ads are most effective in niches that are JV oriented – dating, golf, realesate, make money online, relationships, weight loss, etc.

Basically any niche where list building is a focus.

Step 1) Build A Squeeze Page and Test Conversions

First thing you need to do is build a high converting squeeze page. What I’ve found to convert the best is a squeeze page with:

  • less graphics
  • a prominant headline at the top at around 125-175 Characters
  • The entire squeeze page fits in one window frame so no scrolling is required
  • a brief amount of information (75-100 words) – too much keeps people from investigating
  • a nice image for your giveaway product <- VERY IMPORTANT (read: don’t make it yourself)

This varies from niche to niche, but for the most part, the above is what I’ve found to work in most of my niches

Step 2) Make Follow Up Sequence

A lot of people skimp out on this and go right to promoting. The best route is to cultivate first, then start promoting. Give away a couple extra tips before you hit them.

Step 3) Purchase solo ads

Instead of burning your current list, you should start from scratch building out a new list from solo ads.  A lot of people say to start ad swapping ASAP as soon as you hit 1000 subscribers, however personally I don’t want to burn out my real list promoting ad swaps. Solo ad lists tend to be lower quality which is why you hit that list instead. If you don’t know what a solo ad is, what you do is pay someone a couple hundred bucks to send you 500-1000 clicks. If your squeeze page converts, you should be able to get about 25-30% conversions on solo ad traffic.

Step 4) Segment your buyers out from the freebie list

Take anyone who buys your product from the solo ad and put them in a special list. You don’t want to swap these subscribers with the low quality ones.

Step 5) Start Ad Swapping

Once your seed list is about 1000 subscribers, start swapping your list with other people. All you do is say “hey ___ I have a list of 1000 and can send 250 clicks, want to swap?”

Each swap with someone of 1000 subscribers can get you about 75 subscribers or so.

It doesn’t sound like much, but once you start building  a bigger list, you can swap with people who also have bigger lists. So while it may only get you 75 subscribers in the beginning, eventually you can go on to getting hundreds of new subscribers for each swap. If you couple this technique with solo ads, your list will be huge in no time.

That’s how you do it in a nutshell, and it really works!

My friends Winter & Corey both built a 100,000 person list in around 9 months using this technique! They taught me how to do everything at the Summit, and I’ll admit, it’s a bit more complicated than I described above, so I’ll let them do the teaching since they taught me how to do this so quickly.

Watch this video to learn how you can get your hands on their training, and also get a really sweet bonus along with the product completely free of charge for simply being a cool subscriber of my stuff 🙂


Dan Brock

The Deabeat Super Affiliate

35 Responses to “One Killer Internet Marketing Tip I Learned In Vegas”
  1. Rae says:

    Great information as always. Looking forward to that email about coaching…Thanks for sharing!

    I do have a small question…

    Why do you advise so strongly against creating your own graphics?

    If you have the time and inclination, I would be grateful if you would have a look at some graphics I made and give me your honest opinion…Let me know if you’re willing–and how you would prefer to have the links sent to you.

    Thanks again,


  2. art says:

    Very interesting. You’ve peaked my interest. Las Vegas huh?

    Catch any good shows? Blackjack tables? Mustang Ranch?

    I know a guy who drove out there in a $75,000 mercedez benz and came home on a $500,000 bus.

    Swap shop, ad swap, wife swap its all good. But NEVER, EVER,
    EVER, swap spit with a Vegas Hooker.

    Good post, inexpensive way to build up your list. I’ve got about 100 twitter followers, wanna swap?

    Take care,

  3. Hi Dan,

    Thanks for taking the time to rush this information out to everyone, it sounds like you had a blast at the Summit.

    I look forward to hearing from you as you get a change to disseminate some more of the information that you picked up.


  4. Pamela says:

    I appreciate your tips about list building. Very useful as it’s not an easy concept to come to grips with when you hear so many different ways.
    I still don’t have one!

  5. Frank says:

    Sounds all good, just don’t care for Vegas to much.. will be looking forward to email.. Frank

  6. Good tips Dan, yo are one of the few guys i pay attention to any more. Your amazon course has helped me make some good money so i will be watching for your future products!

  7. bet ted says:

    Great tips and info as ever. Yeah I also enjoyed Vegas and your right, i didnt see any IMers inside the summit- just in surrounding bars and clubs…

    Anyway back to work.

    Speak soon.


  8. Dead Beat Newbie says:

    Hey Dan

    Thanks for the info, i have been thinking on starting to build a list so this are great tips for me, but i have a question, do you know where can i go to learn exactly how to make a squeeze page?

    I’ve been trying to do it on my own but i can’t get it right, i have everything i need (i think) but i don’t know what to do when i go to cPanel, BTW i am doing it with wordpress, i have googled it but i can’t find one that show me exactly how to do it


  9. Julie says:

    Sometimes those conferences/summits/seminars are most beneficial due to the social interactions, or networking. Also, with since all of your business in an online business is online – funny sentence – meeting people face to face is hundreds times more productive. I hope to be able to cough up the money to attend one at some point. I don’t know much about solo ads, but I don’t think I can handle another “technique” on my plate right now.

  10. Don says:

    How can you “swap” lists with other people, if you pledge to your signups that you’ll honor their privacy and *never* share their names with anyone else?

    Is this new tactic the reason why I’m getting more and more spam message to email addresses that I thought were safe because of privacy promises?

  11. Michael McCallum says:

    I like your blog posts. They’re very informative and helpful. I always get the feeling that you are talking directly to me. They have an informal and personal feel to them. Thank you, I always look forward to your emails and info.

  12. Great post Dan!

    Sounds like Vegas was awesome. Thanks for sharing this list building technique with us. Look forward to getting your email tomorrow.

    All the best,


  13. you’re 100% on target with your specs for squeeze pages. A page that’s too “busy” will reduce conversions almost every time.

    When fishing you should show the bait, not the pole.

    I also agree that product graphics should be professionally created, especially since a single ebook cover or software box can be had for as little as 30 bucks.

    That small investment will pay off in increased conversions, where an amateurish cover design will have the opposite effect.

    Why shoot yourself in the foot over $30. Just do without sodas or iced coffees for a week and get a good product graphic done for you.

    Wishing all the best
    Dan B. Cauthron

  14. great post as always..
    I guess if you added 10-15 more pages you could sell this information for a nice chunk of cash!!
    thanks for sharing it with us instead!! 🙂

  15. Tim says:

    Dan, amazing information as always. In my opinion you are up there as one of the few internet marketers that I trust and value their opinion. The others being Kelly Felix and Mike Long.

    Keep up the great work and look forward to working with you someday.

  16. admin says:


    You aren’t swapping their email address. You are sending your list to the adswap partners squeeze page, not giving away the email adddress itself. Then the visitor decides to sign up by entering his or own email address, therefore giving permission to receive mail from the person they’re opting into.

    Dan Brock

  17. admin says:


    Some people out there can design really wicked ebooks – they spend all day making them so its what they do.

    It only costs about $50-100 for a package of ebook designs like covers, dvds, binders, member cards, etc.


  18. Desi says:

    Very good information. Of interest to me – where can I
    get to draw graphics at a reasonable rate for me?

  19. glidpil says:

    Hey, Dan,

    Thanks for the great info, but i have one question. In list building, trust is important, so I am surprised to see that you advocate the swapping of lists. I thought this was a no no.

  20. Another great post Dan,

    I always find your stuff interesting even if it only reminds me of something I have forgotten to action.

    Keep it up Rob

  21. Jim says:

    Hey Bro,

    Wish I could of been there too! Sounds like you had some fun though. Great information. We’ve only built a small list of 20 people so far, but this looks very promising. Thanks for the info.

  22. Jim P. says:

    Thanks for the high level tips on the list building Dan.
    I too look forward to seeing what this next opportunity will bring. So many techniques out there and it’s always good to hear what and how the gurus are doing it.

  23. Hi Dan,

    Your info inspires me to start building list and I don’t think I’ll be lazy anymore.

    BTW, what do you mean when you say (read:dont make it yourself)?

    Only wish to get a clearer picture.



  24. John Reed says:

    Thanks Dan – it doesn’t sound TOOOOOOOO Lazy but it does strike me that it will work. I appreciate the difference there between run of the mill opt ins and buyers and am very wary myself of Adswap Offers bcause 2010 was THE YEAR for hundreds of the darned things – mostly not even dressed up much, just a “My very good buddy (ie, has just heard of him/her) has this sensational Free Offer for you…… Link-Link!!!”
    I got really tired of it myself and dropped out of two schemes that turned out to be based on Adswaps because I was suffering from constant streams of garbage emails leading to “Marvellous Free reports just for opting in” followed by even more rapid fire emails offering just the same thing – so there was no way I was going to repeat that process myself!!
    However, I have given it some thought and your “build a relationship first” (ie, take your time, do it nicely, build it up) would suit me and help to remove the frenetic rush that most Swaps seem to encourage – but care is needed to Swap with like-minded folk or your own list will still vapourize quickly and you’ll defeat your own object.
    “Churn and Burn” is definitely not my style!!
    I’m just getting revved up now to use your materiel – you did remind us that the action takers are the ones who succeed, and that rapid action is by far the best recipe!!
    Cheers Dan – John O’York

  25. admin says:


    You aren’t swapping the list itself, just an ad that you send to the list.

    Person A sends an email ad to their list on behalf of person B, Person B sends email ad to their list on behalf of person A.

    No emails are being exchanged directly.

  26. Dave says:

    I know exactly what Corey and Winter have to offer….and its a very detailed system….excellent stuff

    Highly recommended!!!!

  27. Chris says:

    Excellent info Dan. I just did a solo ad this week. Picked up a lot of new subscribers and made enough sales to actually pay for the ad!
    Thanks as always,

  28. Hussein Said says:

    Dear Dan,

    This is amazing to promote Amazon products, i used your tips and saw a lot of people copying your way to promote products and specially headphones on Amazon, there is a free tool on Firefox that the Gurus does not tell in any of their videos, you know what without a single back-link i got ranked the 17th with on Google when searching with “Amazon headphone reviews”, just check it and check my domain name in Whois for the registration date form hostgator; the name of the add-on is “SEO DOCTOR” , it just tells you what to do exactly and when you do it you got ranked like i did in just less than 3 weeks and with only 2 posts for two headphones.

    Thanks for your valuable information advise

  29. Hussein Said says:

    Sorry the name of the add-on is “SEO Doctor – Free SEO Audit Tool” this tool is amazing when you go step by step with it .

  30. Diana says:

    Love to go to Vegas. Can’t believe you stayed in all the time no matter how fascinating the company.

    Thanks for the tips on the squeeze page.

  31. billkang says:

    Wow, I’ve never heard of solo ads! Thanks for the info!
    I know list building/traffic and conversions is what IM is all about.
    I know I have to get moving with my list building so yeah, very keen to check this out!
    Thanks for the update. Sounds like u had a blast!

    Bill Kang

  32. John McNally says:

    Dan, You’ve confirmed what I’ve always thought about Internet Marketing conferences. Miss the speeches and sales pitches, and just network in the bar.

    I’ve only just started list building, and will be taking a photo of my freebie now, thanks for the tip.

    Leamington Spa, England

  33. Jim says:

    Hey Dan,

    Thanks again for providing free help to your customers and friends. It really helps to have someone in this niche who genuinely cares for people. We really appreciate it.

  34. Thanks for wonderful info.
    But IMHO this technique won’t work with someone that want to make money with amazon that promote specific physical product.
    This will be the best with someone who wants to do list building like promoting clickbank product for example.



  35. Rebeca says:

    You’re an English major, right? I have recently come to appreciate your artistic posts. I

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