To lead…or to follow…that is the question!

Howdy howdy!

Time to dwell on a topic I think is very important. I want to discuss whether it’s best to follow or to lead, and it probably isn’t what you think either.

From my experience online so far, I personally think it’s best to do both, and I’ll explain what I mean by that.

When you should follow

When you are first getting started – A lot of people make the mistake of trying to lead when they first start out. I personally recommend you follow first. Look at what successful people in your niche are doing and copy it. I’m not saying rip their content, but copy what techniques they are using. Look at how they get traffic, how their sales funnel is set up, get on their mailing lists and see what they are doing. It’s a really easy way to get a crash course introduction into what is work.

A good way to spot successful websites is to track PPC advertisements. If you see an advertisement up there for more than a few weeks, chances are it’s a working promotion.

Proven Business Models – Product creation, memberships, product launches, affiliate sites, etc. are all so popular for a reason. Because they work.

SEO – This is another example of when following is advantageous. Look at what websites are getting ranked highly for your keyword, then dig through their link portfolio. Comment where they comment, submit articles and content where they submit content!

Copywriting – When you are first starting out at writing copy, I recommend you find a sales letter that you know converts and try and model your own sales letter off that (That does not translate to ripping off their sales letter). To find a product with a good sales letter, check out the Clickbank marketplace and filter by gravity.

Traffic sources – If you see people migrating to a certain traffic source, following them is generally a good idea.

When you should not follow

  • “I am looking to buy this program, but is anyone here making any money with this yet?” <- Translation: I am too lazy to try things on my own so I want to someone else to do that work for me.
  • When you are going through a product DON’T COPY THE SITE OR THE NICHE THEY USE AS AN EXAMPLE. You are begging for failure. Quit trying to take the easy route and apply what you learn in the training and build a website without copying the example website or niche!
  • The horde – If everyone is pitching how to make money with Clickbank, you might have a better chance going after networks the masses aren’t talking about.

When it’s the right time to lead…

Alright, the idea of leading…

First of all, you have to realize that basically any idea that you can come with for an online business has already been tried before, so that’s not what I mean by lead…

With both my online businesses that I have run for a year and a half or more (my web hosting and IM niche business), I have noticed that as time goes on,  you naturally start to shift from a follower to a leader. I’ve also noticed that there is a specific point in your business that you will start to notice this happen. It’s starting to happen to me with my IM niche business.

I feel like I’m ready to take my business to the next level – which is coming up with new ideas of my own, trying things that haven’t been tried before in my niche, making products that haven’t been done, and going where the majority of other people in my niche are unwilling to go. Yes, there are plenty of people out there better than me at this IM thing…but I truly believe that if I stay focused on my goal, I keep innovating as much as I can, and I keep pushing my business further, eventually I will be a leader in my niche. It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, hell it may not even be 3 years from now,  but it will happen eventually.

You have to realize that this is a gradual process. You don’t start out as a leader. You can try, but chances are if you haven’t followed first, you are going to get rolled.

Hopefully this all made sense. It’s 5:40AM in the morning right now, so thoughts are scattered lol.

-Dan Brock

6 Responses to “To lead…or to follow…that is the question!”
  1. Very well said Dan, so many people make the mistake of thinking that they have to re-invent the wheel and do everything on their own from the start.

    We all have to admit to needing someone to follow at first, but finding the right person to follow can be the problem.

    Luckily for some, that’s where Gary Gregory & M.O.B.S. comes in, right? 🙂

  2. Ivelin says:

    Great article Dan, very true
    At some point you have to stop being a follower and start being a leader and you will know it when it’s the right time and you feel confident in your skills.
    I also think that modeling (not copying) successful people is the quickest way to succeed.


  3. Darryl H says:

    Good article Dan, I would like to add a little spice to this article. Some of my keys to success are
    (1)ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING: The right business attitude is critical if you enjoy it and have a passion for it your more likely to work at and have fun doing it.

    (2) KNOWLEDGE: The right information is priceless as mention above when to follow.

    (3) TOOLS: Good tools alone will not make you, but bad tools alone can break you quick,fast and in a hurry.

    (4) ACTION: If there no action then nothing ever moves nothing ever happens.

    (5) FOCUS: You must stay on a clear path, stray from that path and you’ll get lost quickly.


    Building a team is the #1 ingredient that is missing from almost every new marketer that comes ONLINE into this business model, all successful businesses online use some type team model. “TEAM” = BETTER SKILLS + LEVERAGED TIME + EXPANDED NETWORK + MORAL SUPPORT WHICH = More fun with your business online.

    Darryl H
    Top Affiliate

  4. Kelly says:

    LOL… were you just coming in, or did you wake up early?

    Great advice for early in the morning, either. I spent most of my first year in IM following other people – not blindly, but learning everything I could.

    It helped me learn to focus on what works for me. Now I’m ready to stop following – although I think there’s still plenty to learn.

  5. Hey Dan,

    Another great post, brother!

    Two things I appreciate, your attitude and your attitude. What do I mean? OK, first, you are convinced you will succeed (positive attitude) – regardless of the timeline, and second, you recognize it’s a gradual process (realistic attitude).

    Set simple, realistic goals! Reach them, and then reap the benefits – more confidence and momentum!

    Take care,

    Fred S.

  6. John McNally says:

    Good observations Dan, I’m almost embarrassed for people when they try and be leaders, on subjects that they only discovered yesterday. 🙄

    As you said, following and leading is a process. You start following and eventually realise that you have gained enough knowledge and experience to lead.

    I liked your Clickbank gravity check for finding good sales letters. I hadn’t thought of that. 8)

    Leamington Spa, England

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