3 Killer Viral Traffic Tactics to Flood Your Website with 100% Hands-off Traffic

[VTO_BLOCK=169] What you are about to learn here today is most likely going to go against everything you have ever learned about getting traffic to your website… In fact, it may even disturb you… but I gotta tell ya… …ever since adapting this new strategy into my websites… well, let’s just say traffic generation has become the least of my worries. So what is it? Let’s cut to the chase! What I’m going to teach you today is about making your website traffic go “viral” using strategic assets on your existing website. I’ve finally been able to drill it down to a somewhat simple set of ingredients, which you can implement on your website right now…


A Very Inspirational Story Of a Man Who Build a Mansion Out of Mud…

Hey guys! Dan Brock here, and a very long time since my last post – I’ll tell you why in a second… First, I wanted to share with you this very inspirational story of a man who made a mansion out of mud: >> If You Can’t View the Video, Here’s a Direct Youtube Link to Watch It If You Can’t View the Video, Here’s a Direct Youtube Link to Watch It


Your Motivations: Why You Need to “Live and Breath” Them As an Online Entrepreneur

Hey Deadbeats! I’ve talked a lot about discovering your true motivations in the past but since this is what I consider one of the most important mental foundations of an online business, it’s time to drill the concept in even more. I’ll start off by asking you a simple question: What was/is your motivation when you first decided you wanted to start your own online business? Most likely your first response would be “to make a lot of money online”. This is what I consider a “crude” motivation. A crude motivation is something that is driven entirely by simple emotions like greed – Greed is your motivation to make money online. If this sounds like…


Developing Your Own Style of Marketing

  Feel free to leave your thoughts and comments below 🙂


How Much Time Do You Spend Thinking vs. Doing?

Hey Everyone! Dan here with another blog post to help you make more money from your online business. I want to discuss the difference between thinking and doing, and what levels of each you should apply to your business. So first things first… what exactly do I mean by “thinking” and how much of it should you do? Active thought invested in your business throughout the day is what I mean by thinking. It is a very crucial element of making your business successful. Here’s what I’ve noticed when progressing in my ventures: The more thought I invest in my business the better I do. If you are lazy and don’t feel like working, you…


Increasing Your Online Footprint To Make You More Money

Hey everyone! It’s been awhile since my last post so I figured I’d discuss something cool today. What I want to talk about is why having your footprints all over the online is important, and also share a cool technique you can use to help you build more footprints. So what’s a footprint and why do you need them? An online footprint is essentially your network of assets that you have created online over the months and years. These footprints are assets that drive traffic and sales regardless of what you do later on. Footprints can include: Affiliate sites Articles on article directories Blogs Squeeze Pages Giveaway content Products you sell I know this is…


Recent Google Search Updates and How They Effect You

I’ve been getting a lot of emails from subscribers about the recent Google updates and how my methods are effected by it. If you’ve bought any of my courses, you know I’m an advocate for unique content… and unique content that actually serves a purpose. I’ve been doing SEO for a number of years now, and I’ve noticed the number 1 key to longevity in search rankings is to do what the search engines want you to do. They want REAL unique content written by a real person. They don’t want automatically spun garbage, auto blogging (I’ll talk about that in a sec), and any of the usual stuff that people try and short cut…


This is where it’s at! This is where the money is online

WATCH THIS VIDEO ALL THE WAY TO THE END FOR A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT 🙂 “Naptime Profits” Releases this Thursday, March the 17th at 2pm EST. Hope to see you in the members area! 🙂


A $2000 marketing lesson free for you :)

Feel free to leave your comments and thoughts 🙂


My 2011 and Beyond Predictions for Making Money Online


A Simple Trick To Boost Your Productivity

I know I’m not the guy to be preaching about productivity, laugh out loud, but I have been working online from home for awhile now so I know a few tricks that have helped me improve my productivity significantly. One of the best tricks (and the most simple) to improving how much I produce in a day is this: When you wake up in the morning (or afternoon if you’re like me), immediately sign on your computer and start working on one profitable activity for 30 minutes. Don’t take a shower, eat breakfast, watch tv, or anything else until you get that 30 minutes of solid work done. I know this sounds elementary, but it…


7 Crucial Traits of Successful Internet Marketers

Hi guys! The ol’ Deadbeat Super Affiliate here! So I’ve been studying a lot of successful internet marketers, and I noticed that there are some crucial traits that many of them have. These are what I believe to be the most important qualities to having success online 1) No fear of failure – The difference between a successful marketer and a unsuccessful marketer is not letting fear get in your way. I know this sounds hooky, so let me explain. From all of the emails I have received from my students, I have noticed that fear stops a lot of people from progressing and putting in full conviction into what they are doing. For example,…


A Surprise Webinar Annuncement – You Don’t Want to Miss This!

Register Here For Live Webinar On November 18th at 9:00PM EST


To lead…or to follow…that is the question!

Howdy howdy! Time to dwell on a topic I think is very important. I want to discuss whether it’s best to follow or to lead, and it probably isn’t what you think either. From my experience online so far, I personally think it’s best to do both, and I’ll explain what I mean by that. When you should follow When you are first getting started – A lot of people make the mistake of trying to lead when they first start out. I personally recommend you follow first. Look at what successful people in your niche are doing and copy it. I’m not saying rip their content, but copy what techniques they are using. Look…


My 7 Figure a Year Niche Business Blueprint

I’m getting quite ambitious these days…and now I’m dead set on building a brand new niche business from scratch which I am aiming for 7 figures a year profit after 3 years. I wanted to share my blueprint with you – I was also hoping you would give me your thoughts on my plan by commenting below. First off, you probably know by now that I am also involved in the Internet Marketing niche (no kidding! haha). I fully expect my IM business will be a 7 figure earner by my third year, however I don’t want to become one of those ‘IM only gurus’ – you know the type. The people who only make…


A List of All Profitable Activities You Must to Do Make Money Online

Hello Hello As I’ve been working online more and more these days, I’ve noticed that there are a few profitable activities that will make you the most money. I’ve also noticed that it’s very easy to get caught up doing the non-profitable activities instead of what you should really be doing, so I wanted to list all of the activities that are profitable, and all of the activities that are non-profitable. Non-Profitable Activities Checking email Checking affiliate stats Customer support for your business <- important, but not profitable Spending hours on the Warrior Forum. For the most part, WF is a major time suck and will not contribute much to your business. There are a…
